Forums - Why is Dhaslim top tier? Show all 40 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Why is Dhaslim top tier? ( Posted by Evil Rahsaan on 07:18:2001 04:44 AM: Why is Dhaslim top tier? Well I already know he has the best runaway in the game. But why else is he top tier? Posted by Mummy-B on 07:18:2001 05:06 AM: CvS? MvC2? ??? Posted by Evil Rahsaan on 07:18:2001 05:10 AM: Mvc2 Posted by IronJay on 07:18:2001 05:29 AM: Who said dhalsim was top tier? Is it because YOU consider him top tier? Because I dont. Whats with people naming these characters top tier? Shouldnt the person who can play with these people be considered top tier? Because I cant play with magneto for shit, so whats he to me? I sure can play with spiderman tho, so why isnt he top tier? George bush is top tier because its a FACT that hes our president. But magneto is only top tier because its peoples OPINION. Ive seen duc win with team shoto against team top tier. How much you wanna bet that if he won the entire tournament with team shoto, all three of them motherfuckers would be considered top tier. Think about it. Posted by Evil Rahsaan on 07:18:2001 05:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by IronJay Who said dhalsim was top tier? Is it because YOU consider him top tier? Because I dont. Whats with people naming these characters top tier? Shouldnt the person who can play with these people be considered top tier? Because I cant play with magneto for shit, so whats he to me? I sure can play with spiderman tho, so why isnt he top tier? George bush is top tier because its a FACT that hes our president. But magneto is only top tier because its peoples OPINION. Ive seen duc win with team shoto against team top tier. How much you wanna bet that if he won the entire tournament with team shoto, all three of them motherfuckers would be considered top tier. Think about it. Lmao so true, if Duc wins b5 with servbot that mutherf*cker is gonna be top tier the next day. But seriously dhalsim is top tier probably because he can runaway from most characters for free without ever coming down. Posted by n817azn on 07:18:2001 05:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by IronJay Who said dhalsim was top tier? Is it because YOU consider him top tier? Because I dont. Whats with people naming these characters top tier? Shouldnt the person who can play with these people be considered top tier? Because I cant play with magneto for shit, so whats he to me? I sure can play with spiderman tho, so why isnt he top tier? George bush is top tier because its a FACT that hes our president. But magneto is only top tier because its peoples OPINION. Ive seen duc win with team shoto against team top tier. How much you wanna bet that if he won the entire tournament with team shoto, all three of them motherfuckers would be considered top tier. Think about it. The characters of the top tier are top tier simply because they have better tools to accomplish the winning of matches, they are just simply better equiped. As for sim, when did he become top tier, i always thought that he was top tier in japan, not here. Here, i thought that he was 2nd tier. n8 Posted by Evil Rahsaan on 07:18:2001 05:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by n817azn The characters of the top tier are top tier simply because they have better tools to accomplish the winning of matches, they are just simply better equiped. As for sim, when did he become top tier, i always thought that he was top tier in japan, not here. Here, i thought that he was 2nd tier. n8 You arent making much sense no such thing as he being top tier in japan and second tier here it's the SAME GAME. Posted by AmScott on 07:18:2001 06:03 AM: Dhalsim is top tier (at least in Japan) because those people know and understand his moves and potential. He's a 'thinker's' character. Here in the U.S., all some people can do is play the "how many air photons can I fire down with Doom and hope to chip someone to death??" or "how much shit can I send their way with Cable in the least time possible??" game. IMO it is all about keepaway in the US. Granted, Dhalsim has a superior keepaway, but it is not what he's all about. He's about patience and getting in close (much like a good Anakaris, Amingo, or Zangief player), while still remaining out of harm's way. I haven't seen many good grapplers or Dhalsim players in the U.S., but he definitly is "Top Tier" if played correctly. Posted by n817azn on 07:18:2001 06:04 AM: quote: You arent making much sense no such thing as he being top tier in japan and second tier here it's the SAME GAME. True that, but in japan they play the game differently then over here hence different characters are in different tiers in the two different countries. Just like in Japan IM is also top tier but here he is considered 2nd tier. I see your point but i'm just saying what everyone else believes. IMO Iron Man is also top tier, but many others say that he is not. n8 Posted by Mummy-B on 07:18:2001 06:05 AM: No what he says is true. Dhalsim was never considered top tier (even if he is now) in the US until Japan started using him and I *believe* there was a video of Sim raping Cable and Magneto, Cable for sure. After analyzing the video, alot of players in the US started using using Dhalsim, THEN he became upper tier in the US. The Japanese have thier own tiering system and use much different people than the US does traditionally. You never see people in the US using Anarkis and you hardly ever saw anyone really using Iron Man until that Japanese infinate combo video. At least, as far as I have seen, I watched people play MvC2 in the US and I didn't see anyone using him then. Posted by Snake on 07:18:2001 06:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by IronJay Who said dhalsim was top tier? Is it because YOU consider him top tier? Because I dont. Whats with people naming these characters top tier? Shouldnt the person who can play with these people be considered top tier? Because I cant play with magneto for shit, so whats he to me? I sure can play with spiderman tho, so why isnt he top tier? George bush is top tier because its a FACT that hes our president. But magneto is only top tier because its peoples OPINION. Ive seen duc win with team shoto against team top tier. How much you wanna bet that if he won the entire tournament with team shoto, all three of them motherfuckers would be considered top tier. Think about it. ALL HAIL THE GEORGE BUSH RUSH DOWNxxTAX CUT Super Posted by Ouroborus on 07:18:2001 06:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by Snake ALL HAIL THE GEORGE BUSH RUSH DOWNxxTAX CUT Super Fuck you! Don't even try spamming to get enough post for your avatar. Anyways, check the latest video to see why Dhalsim is top tier. Posted by BlackShinobi on 07:18:2001 06:29 AM: to be american top tier its not good enough to be good, you have to be good and popular which is the reason why the character with the easiest infinite in the game who can essentially kill anyone after landing one hit is not top tier in america. Posted by Vonstar on 07:18:2001 07:15 AM: i'd give it a few weeks until dhalsim is top tier in the US. those japan videos prolly influenced a whole ass load of mvc2 players and made people realize how good sim can be. Posted by IronJay on 07:18:2001 08:57 AM: Im gonna take a stab and guess that sim is white? or nun? I dont know. But lets discuss this toptier for a second. Im gonna give you an EXCELLENT example of what I mean right now. Cammy. Now, we know damn well shes not considered top tier, right? But I kid you not, let duc or viscant play with her ass in the tourny and keep using her aaa, and keep using her otg combos and she'll be top tier the same day of the tournament. You'll see people walking out of b5 like " BOY CAMMY SURE IS TOP TIER. " and you'll be like "WTF?!" Im serious. And why does magneto have the tools equiped to win? To me, if no one discovered MR. HYPER GAY(GRAB)XXMAGNET TEMPEST, hed be about as useful as anakaris, because mag doesnt have much past that, lets be honest. I mean you all saw the japanese vids where dhalsim did the 50 hit combo on mag. and all mag kept trying to do was launch his ass in the air so he could do MR. HYPER GAY XX TEMPEST. and he never pulled it off. Mag is slowly dieing as top tier. Matter of fact, top tier shouldnt even exist. I mean answer this: is it IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN if you pick cable, doom, and mag, and I pick ken, felicia, and capcom? Than WTF arent they considered Top tier? HAH! Dhalsim's top tier now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. At this rate, by the end of 2002 you'll all be walking out of b6 going " MAN, THAT DAN SURE IS ONE TOP TIER MOTHERFUCKER. " Posted by darkumas on 07:18:2001 12:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by IronJay Im gonna take a stab and guess that sim is white? or nun? I dont know. But lets discuss this toptier for a second. Im gonna give you an EXCELLENT example of what I mean right now. Cammy. Now, we know damn well shes not considered top tier, right? But I kid you not, let duc or viscant play with her ass in the tourny and keep using her aaa, and keep using her otg combos and she'll be top tier the same day of the tournament. You'll see people walking out of b5 like " BOY CAMMY SURE IS TOP TIER. " and you'll be like "WTF?!" Im serious. And why does magneto have the tools equiped to win? To me, if no one discovered MR. HYPER GAY(GRAB)XXMAGNET TEMPEST, hed be about as useful as anakaris, because mag doesnt have much past that, lets be honest. I mean you all saw the japanese vids where dhalsim did the 50 hit combo on mag. and all mag kept trying to do was launch his ass in the air so he could do MR. HYPER GAY XX TEMPEST. and he never pulled it off. Mag is slowly dieing as top tier. Matter of fact, top tier shouldnt even exist. I mean answer this: is it IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN if you pick cable, doom, and mag, and I pick ken, felicia, and capcom? Than WTF arent they considered Top tier? HAH! Dhalsim's top tier now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. At this rate, by the end of 2002 you'll all be walking out of b6 going " MAN, THAT DAN SURE IS ONE TOP TIER MOTHERFUCKER. " Gosh thats funny But I see what your trying to say. But I also agree with an earlier post by someone stating that the top tier characters are just that because of the tools they have, they are better equipped in a sense. Lets not forget what game we talking bout. This is MvC2 where lest a certain character or charcters are in a team ur chances of winning is not as high as if they were in. E.g The other night i had a friend play gief,tron and juggernaut. ehehe i had doom sent BH we were playing for shits and giggles. now i did the usuall trap etc.. and believe me when i tell ya there was nothing either of his characters could do to stop me not even his assist were useful. Thats the game tho like it or leave it. Dan ROTFLMAO too funny bro DT Posted by Advent on 07:18:2001 02:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by IronJay Im gonna take a stab and guess that sim is white? or nun? I dont know. But lets discuss this toptier for a second. Im gonna give you an EXCELLENT example of what I mean right now. Cammy. Now, we know damn well shes not considered top tier, right? But I kid you not, let duc or viscant play with her ass in the tourny and keep using her aaa, and keep using her otg combos and she'll be top tier the same day of the tournament. You'll see people walking out of b5 like " BOY CAMMY SURE IS TOP TIER. " and you'll be like "WTF?!" Im serious. And why does magneto have the tools equiped to win? To me, if no one discovered MR. HYPER GAY(GRAB)XXMAGNET TEMPEST, hed be about as useful as anakaris, because mag doesnt have much past that, lets be honest. I mean you all saw the japanese vids where dhalsim did the 50 hit combo on mag. and all mag kept trying to do was launch his ass in the air so he could do MR. HYPER GAY XX TEMPEST. and he never pulled it off. Mag is slowly dieing as top tier. Matter of fact, top tier shouldnt even exist. I mean answer this: is it IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN if you pick cable, doom, and mag, and I pick ken, felicia, and capcom? Than WTF arent they considered Top tier? HAH! Dhalsim's top tier now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. At this rate, by the end of 2002 you'll all be walking out of b6 going " MAN, THAT DAN SURE IS ONE TOP TIER MOTHERFUCKER. " hm. i see what hes saying too, but he's overlooked some things. top tier first of all, means a character with clear advantages over all others. magneto is a helluva lot more than just tempest combos. he has the best rushdown in the game, and nobody is going to argue that. considering that everyone and their grandmother knows how to mash the tempest combo and justin wong still won ECC6 and MWC with him in at least half of his teams, id say that your statement about maggy sucking without it is incorrect. also, he most certainly is NOT dying out, hes growing like crazy. People have been watching Justin and shadyk play magneto in tourneys and suddenly there's a resurgence in popularity. befre, when you said that duc used team shoto and beat team top tier, you were forgetting that duc is one of the best players ever, and he was playing a scrub (relative to him at least). all the best players choose joke teams, against first and second round playas. using the videos here as an example, alex used megaman in one team, and viscant used ruby heart (who i love, but and under no ilusions as to her ability). that doesnt make them top tier. finally, if dan could lock out magneto like viscant's dhalsim locked out justins mags or those japanese players busted on cable, then i would agree that dan is top tier :P Posted by darkumas on 07:18:2001 04:51 PM: true. Posted by cheese_master on 07:18:2001 06:29 PM: quote: Originally posted by IronJay Im gonna take a stab and guess that sim is white? or nun? I dont know. But lets discuss this toptier for a second. Im gonna give you an EXCELLENT example of what I mean right now. Cammy. Now, we know damn well shes not considered top tier, right? But I kid you not, let duc or viscant play with her ass in the tourny and keep using her aaa, and keep using her otg combos and she'll be top tier the same day of the tournament. You'll see people walking out of b5 like " BOY CAMMY SURE IS TOP TIER. " and you'll be like "WTF?!" Im serious. And why does magneto have the tools equiped to win? To me, if no one discovered MR. HYPER GAY(GRAB)XXMAGNET TEMPEST, hed be about as useful as anakaris, because mag doesnt have much past that, lets be honest. I mean you all saw the japanese vids where dhalsim did the 50 hit combo on mag. and all mag kept trying to do was launch his ass in the air so he could do MR. HYPER GAY XX TEMPEST. and he never pulled it off. Mag is slowly dieing as top tier. Matter of fact, top tier shouldnt even exist. I mean answer this: is it IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN if you pick cable, doom, and mag, and I pick ken, felicia, and capcom? Than WTF arent they considered Top tier? HAH! Dhalsim's top tier now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. At this rate, by the end of 2002 you'll all be walking out of b6 going " MAN, THAT DAN SURE IS ONE TOP TIER MOTHERFUCKER. " Now I on the other hand do not see what you are saying. Top tier comes from a general consensus that a character has been equiped with enough to overpower most other characters in the game and compete with other "top tier" characters. Sure Duc made a character like Spiral famous... but you know what? Viscant plays Bison... I do not consider him top tier. Rattana use to play Iceman... I never was convinced he was top tier. Who is and isn't top tier isn't dictated by who the top players play... they are dictated by the character's abilities and there overall ability to match up with other characters. I consider Dhalsim top tier because he can run away from most teams if they do not have CC or BH AAA, and even then they have problems. I consider Dhalsim top tier because he can match up well against most other top chars cept Sent. If u think that rest of the competitive players here on SRK are just a bunch of mindless Duc, Valle, and Justin Wong following drones then you are a dumbass beyond reason. We play certain characters because we believe them to give us the best position to win. If Dan is gonna do that come 2002... then so help me God I will play Dan... Posted by Advent on 07:18:2001 07:05 PM: hmmph, thats what i said before, but much meaner to the misguided one props Posted by Vonstar on 07:18:2001 08:53 PM: Ironjay, how is magneto dieing as a top tier character? please explain that. because most people in tournys (especially in seattle) use magneto and can ocv people in like 40 seconds. plus with jwong and his magneto team, people are trying to master magneto now. plus the infinites that came out. Posted by TheWholeFnShow on 07:18:2001 09:26 PM: quote: Originally posted by IronJay And why does magneto have the tools equiped to win? To me, if no one discovered MR. HYPER GAY(GRAB)XXMAGNET TEMPEST, hed be about as useful as anakaris, because mag doesnt have much past that, lets be honest. Mag is slowly dieing as top tier. Magneto is so not moving away from the "top tier" position. His GravXXtempest combo is not as useful as it used to be, considering the Grav is mashable. Mag is all about his rushdown, cross-ups, resets, throws...and in the end, he'll deal great damage, save meter, and have built meter for Cable or someone else that needs it. He has the speed to get the c. short, c. fierce in, and then from there, he has lots of options that'll keep his opponent guessing which way to block. Throw Psylocke in there...and...ooooooh shit! Magneto's popularity level seems to have soared since Justin Wong's victories. Even *I* started using Magneto. PLus, I adapted some of the rushdown tactics to my Storm, and it's all good. Bottom Line: Magento is still "top tier" and probably will be there for a long time...Cyclops too Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 07:19:2001 12:14 AM: who ever said that Fagnus has the best rush-down in the game is wrong in my opinion because what Iam about to say is gonna sound like utter crap but kid you not Morrigan has the best rushdown in the game, that doesnt meant that she can deal out that much dammage by herself (Thats where assits come in, cough, cough T.Bonnes proj assist) anyway's morrigan is very, very good at rushing in and it is damn near immposible to block her constant dashing raves. we'll anyways dont dissmiss her as a good rushdown character Posted by Evil Rahsaan on 07:19:2001 03:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by HuStLeMaN17 who ever said that Fagnus has the best rush-down in the game is wrong in my opinion because what Iam about to say is gonna sound like utter crap but kid you not Morrigan has the best rushdown in the game, that doesnt meant that she can deal out that much dammage by herself (Thats where assits come in, cough, cough T.Bonnes proj assist) anyway's morrigan is very, very good at rushing in and it is damn near immposible to block her constant dashing raves. we'll anyways dont dissmiss her as a good rushdown character OMG, You're a scrub lmao. Posted by SilverGear on 07:19:2001 03:32 AM: You know what's scary? Dhalsim is like top tier in almost every game he's appeared in. Posted by ShinX on 07:19:2001 03:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by Evil Rahsaan OMG, You're a scrub lmao. Read his Custom User Text Actually, there's one guy in the Seattle area who has wicked Sabertooth, Tron, and Cap Commando....scary Posted by Naslectronical on 07:19:2001 03:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by HuStLeMaN17 who ever said that Fagnus has the best rush-down in the game is wrong in my opinion because what Iam about to say is gonna sound like utter crap but kid you not Morrigan has the best rushdown in the game, that doesnt meant that she can deal out that much dammage by herself (Thats where assits come in, cough, cough T.Bonnes proj assist) anyway's morrigan is very, very good at rushing in and it is damn near immposible to block her constant dashing raves. we'll anyways dont dissmiss her as a good rushdown character What planet did you say you were from again? Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:19:2001 03:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by Evil Rahsaan OMG, You're a scrub lmao. ...and you're a dick. Have you ever seen someone play Morrigan well? I thought not. Despite the fact she's never gonna make it to Mags level, she does have rather large untapped potential for rushdown, plus a usable assist, and excellent DHCs. And while her combos are poor in damage solo, with assists, she can lay down damage in a hurry. -DFA P.S. Have you noticed that even though you changed your stance on tiering and assisting, people still hate your guts? Ever think about why? Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 07:19:2001 04:47 AM: Iam sorry if I offended someone I was only trying to state what I have seen with my own 2 eyes up here in seattle Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 07:19:2001 04:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by Naslectronical What planet did you say you were from again? Unfortunatually I live on the same planet as you Posted by mixup on 07:19:2001 04:52 AM: tron bonnes assist does nasty things when you team her with anyone who can even rush down decent, it just hurts so much. it's all good hustleman, raashan or whatever his screen name is, always jumps to that same cut-down to make himself feel good. pretty bad huh? Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 07:19:2001 04:54 AM: quote: Originally posted by mixup tron bonnes assist does nasty things when you team her with anyone who can even rush down decent, it just hurts so much. it's all good hustleman, raashan or whatever his screen name is, always jumps to that same cut-down to make himself feel good. pretty bad huh? Just out of curiosity what team do you use with T.Bonne? Posted by Evil Rahsaan on 07:19:2001 05:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove ...and you're a dick. Have you ever seen someone play Morrigan well? I thought not. Despite the fact she's never gonna make it to Mags level, she does have rather large untapped potential for rushdown, plus a usable assist, and excellent DHCs. And while her combos are poor in damage solo, with assists, she can lay down damage in a hurry. -DFA P.S. Have you noticed that even though you changed your stance on tiering and assisting, people still hate your guts? Ever think about why? Is it because Iceman still owns Cable? And you are assuming too much from my avatar. Iceman is still my main character. Posted by ex_fuk on 07:19:2001 05:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by HuStLeMaN17 Iam sorry if I offended someone I was only trying to state what I have seen with my own 2 eyes up here in seattle Now you've got me all wound up. WHAT have you seen in Seattle? I really like Morrigan and would love to use her but I have no idea what to do with her. Possible team members? Traps? Posted by Mummy-B on 07:19:2001 08:26 AM: I think that in the US, Dhalsim still isn't "top tier," but then I don't like tiering systems really. Because, like someone said, "top tier" not only deals with how good the character is, but popularity. Magneto, Cable, Sentinel, and Blackheart wouldn't be top tier if no one on the planet used them, despite how good they are (are those guys top tier? Maybe a couple of them aren't...). Like in CvS, everyone is like Nak is top tier. So what happens when I beat Nak with Terry or Morrigan? Does that make them top tier now? No, because everyone still uses Nak because she's broken. That's why I don't particularly like tiering, but then, who really cares anyway. EDIT: Haven't played MvC2 in a long time, so I don't know who's on what tier anymore, because it's changed alot since I stopped playing... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:19:2001 09:05 AM: quote: Originally posted by Evil Rahsaan Is it because Iceman still owns Cable? WTF? When did this have to do with anything? Yer just tryin' to start shit, huh? quote: And you are assuming too much from my avatar. Iceman is still my main character. It's a nice looking av, but no... Actually it's more based on the fact that when you first came to SRK, your posts were all about the fact that there was no such thing as tiers, and that nobody should be called "scrub" unless you've seen them play. You even went so far as to label tier an obscenity, using "t*er" so you wouldn't have to use the word. Now, you call at least 1 person a scrub in every thread you post in, and frequently say that there are "top-tier teams, just not characters." Add in the fact that you are obnoxious, and arrogant, and all the threads you start turn into flame wars, and that = the reason nobody here at SRK likes you, or wants you here. You are the definition of scrub: someone who refuses to learn from others. The ONLY thing going for you is you aren't afraid to innovate, or think differently. That's also the only reason I ever bother to read ANYTHING you write. Even assholes can be right sometimes. Ciao, -DFA Posted by cheese_master on 07:19:2001 09:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by HuStLeMaN17 Just out of curiosity what team do you use with T.Bonne? Doom/Morrigan/TB. That one of my many. I like it cuz Doom rushs pretty well with TB's assist... once he lands a hit off of TB's assist... AC into super XX into Morrigan's Dark Illusion... which can nearly if not kill a character. Then its all about Morrigan rushing down with TB and Doom's assists... which work well cuz she is a pain to block when she triangle jumps... and if u land one hit into TB's assist into a soul fist into the beam super... that is also killer. Doom's assist allows her to change up her rushdown from trying to land a hit to just staying in your face and chipping. If Morrigan does die... TB/Doom is still a good team in itself. Chip rushdown is what they are all about. Personally I am pretty proud of this team cuz it works well together and I came up with it myself. Given it can have problems against Cable or Storm... it still does a great job on them. Plus... I got to learn a new char when I first made this team. Now if u don't like Morrigan or Doom... well u can always play the all deadly... Cable/Storm/Tron Bonne scrub team. Cable/Storm/someone with a good assist... the team that requires the least amount of thinking ever... hehe. Posted by mixup on 07:19:2001 09:34 AM: i like to use (sabretooth,tron,cap/megaman) (tron/sent/cap) (jill,tron,psy) (mag,Storm,Tronn) (servbot/cable/tron) (collosus/tron/AAA) I really like her as an assist and on point, her air-throw is so good that you can just snatch somone out of the air trying to get out of the corner right into her c.lkXXlunch ruch or her infinite(her infinite really isn't useful past one rep as you probably know though) Tronn rocks!!! we're going to put up a combo vid pretty soon and i'll put some stuff with her on it on there. take care. Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 07:19:2001 01:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by mixup i like to use (sabretooth,tron,cap/megaman) (tron/sent/cap) (jill,tron,psy) (mag,Storm,Tronn) (servbot/cable/tron) (collosus/tron/AAA) I really like her as an assist and on point, her air-throw is so good that you can just snatch somone out of the air trying to get out of the corner right into her c.lkXXlunch ruch or her infinite(her infinite really isn't useful past one rep as you probably know though) Tronn rocks!!! we're going to put up a combo vid pretty soon and i'll put some stuff with her on it on there. take care. One thing I do with Tron in the corner is while there blocking lp,lp,lp throw lk x lunch rush super. Works better than you would think Posted by Mr. Hiryuu on 07:19:2001 05:28 PM: why is dhalsim top tier? I dont think he is All times are GMT. The time now is 09:21 PM. 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